Clubs & Sports
REMS Clubs REMS Athletics
Our official chapter name at REMS is recognized as the Ranger Elementary/Middle School Honor Club. The Purpose of this organization shall be the promotion of academic achievement, scholarship, leadership, and good citizenship at Ranger Elementary/Middle School. This organization also promotes ideals of honesty, service, morality, and ethical conduct. The membership of this organization consist of students in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades of Ranger Elementary/Middle School.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a non-profit Christian sports ministry. FCA's mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. At Ranger, FCA meets every Friday in the gym and is led by Mrs. Christy Payne.
Art Club
The REMS Art Club is a fun after-school activity on Wednesdays for all ages here at Ranger to enjoy. Painting, drawing, making things with clay and other hands-on projects are some of the activities that take place in the club. The older kids can help the art teacher with the younger kids with items they might have trouble with while also enjoying the experience. The club lasts until 4 o’clock at which time parents pick up their kids.
Bible Study
Good News Club